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Blessing In Disguise

For me lockdown was like a never ending weekend. I spent a lot of quality time with kids. Saw them grow every bit, every laughter, every smile and their cries as well. Being a mother of two - one toddler and other preschooler, initially, I had a hard time to get a schedule fixed for them. I would be in dilemma all the time as one of them would need me the most. 

I missed the school of my elder one - Aarvi. I had to give up that time on my little one - Kriti, which I would spend on giving lots of cuddles and help her achieve her toddler milestones. This was not possible with Aarvi being around. She, as of now, being an attention seeker and a fast learner. Giving sole time to each one was getting difficult. Though things got smoother by passing time.

Untimely tantrums, rising demands drove me mad at times. In summer we spent time in our garden. Taking sunshine and plucking flowers would keep them engaged and allow us to relax both physically and mentally. 

With my husband having to work from home, I had to keep them occupied. Stop them from screaming, shouting and crying. Which was the toughest part. Both being under the age of understanding the nature of job of their father. They would want to go to him for  silly to more serious reasons(to them). From 'Papa, doughnuts are over could you get them, please!' , 'Papa, are you still on call?' , cries and shouts of ' Papa, I lost my bunny, help me find NOW!'. Papa being home meant 'owning him' to them.

Gradually, this got converted to knocks on door, silently sneaking in the room to get their stuff out or sometimes even talking in signs. They have learnt to share, be polite. So much so that they would share their favourite food, toys and even blankets.

Lockdown has helped in building the relationship between the siblings and within us. They know each others likes and dislikes. They are being sharing things beyond my expectations. They have started playing all by themselves just in few months. Snatching is the thing that looks like long gone.

This bonding would have not developed if not for lockdown. 'Kriti is my best friend!'. This would have not formed, if Aarvi were to go school and have her own friends. Now that schools are open, Aarvi has made new friends. But Kriti still remains her best friend. And I get that little time to spend solely with Kriti. It feels good, she is a great learner too. 

Passing through a troubled phase makes us choke but it actually unblocks us from strenuous or complicated tasks. Like a signal to stop and relax, let things just go on its own. To me this lockdown has turned into more of a boon, a blessing in disguise. 

'What seems to us as a bitter trial is often blessing in disguise'
 - Oscar Wilde


  1. Hats off to u and Kunal...this phase will be the best part of our life as it taught us families values ...both girls will take care of eachother through out their life ..


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